n Political Cartoonist Speaks Out! – Interview with Elad Shmueli & Michelle Lopez | The Anti-Marketing Manifesto

When I was 19 years old, broke with not 1 single writing client to my name… a pen pal told me, “You should go into the Air Force, learn Farsi, and become a war correspondent.”

I was like, “Yeaaaaa, that’s definitely not happening. Ever.”

But I didn’t want to be one of those people who writes things off before researching it for themselves and making their own decision.

So, I drove three hours to the Air Force recruiting office, talked to a woman who worked there, and knew before she said a single word that it wasn’t for me.

Still, I listened to her 1-hour sales pitch with Q&A.

Nothing about it screamed, “This is your calling.”

Not even the $100K grand paycheck they were promising back in 2000.

I’m all about love, not war.

Love your work. Love your business. Love your family. Love your peeps. Love your profits.

Fuck everything else.

That’s why talking about war, hearing about war, and thinking about war, is difficult.

I’d rather rub my dog’s belly. And then get back to my copywriting work.

War is an “unsolvable problem fueled by the matrix.”

The matrix is a system that keeps people thinking like slaves.

If you don’t know about the matrix… check out my recent interview with Elad Shmueli, a political cartoonist who lives in Israel.

Elad grew his IG following (@the_art_of_jalapeno) to 18,000 by drawing cartoons about his thoughts on co-vid, the matrix, the New World Order, and many other “conspiracies” that have proven to be real.

But when he started sharing his views on the war, his followers instantly flipped on him… and accused HIM of being in the matrix, because God forbid he shares his perspective as someone living in Israel.

I get the sense that Elad loves his work as a cartoonist and will continue writing (and drawing) what he thinks, even if others disagree. And that, I respect.

Watch the interview below!


Copywriter, Author
The Anti-Marketing Manifesto

P.S. Dan listened to my interview with Elad and told me, “Your interview style is like Patrick Bet-David!” I guess I’ll take that as a compliment, LOL. What do you think? Drop a comment on the YouTube video.

P.P.S. Are your copywriting needs being met? If you’re a successful business owner who wants better marketing, better copywriting… let’s chat! Email me to schedule a quick 10-minute call with me.

About the Author

Michelle Lopez Boggs is a copywriter and author of "The Anti-Marketing Manifesto: How to Sell Without Being a Sellout." She's helped her clients sell millions of dollars' worth of products and services online by using the MEI(S) principle — motivate, educate, and inspire, and sell. Download a FREE chapter of her book here or buy it on Amazon.

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