n Our Arizona Move is Complete! | The Anti-Marketing Manifesto

Good morning anti-marketer!

As I type this email, I’m sitting in our new kitchen in Mesa, Arizona, sipping warm, organic ginger tea before Dan wakes up.

A week ago, we arrived at our furnished rental house (pic above), at 8:30 pm on a Friday night. It was dark outside…and HOT. We were excited.

In 100+ degree weather, we unloaded the two cars… and savored seeing our new place for the first time.

The house is on a golf course in a beautiful neighborhood with palm trees, trimmed bushes, and pristine landscaping. Tall, thick cacti adorn some of the neighbors’ front desert lawns.

I swoon 1000x a day now, looking out my office window, hearing the tropical-sounding birds chirp.

I didn’t used to do that in Colorado (swoon)…

Sometimes you have to shed your old self and do something totally new.

I’ve been wanting to move to a new state for years. Born and raised in Colorado, I found staying in the same place stifling and uninspiring. Five years ago, I thought I wanted to move to Los Angeles. If I had done that, I never would have met Dan in Colorado.

It all worked out perfectly and not in the way I expected.

Mesa, AZ, already feels like paradise. I love the heat, and the vibe just feels different. We’ve already had a wild wind storm, some rain, nonstop lighting (silent with no thunder), and perfect sunny days… all in a week’s span.

Yep, this is paradise. The perfect place to conquer fears and get out of the comfort zone daily.

We’re excited to plan buying our first house, but we’ve got some other priorities first.

There were a thousand moving parts and pieces to completing this move… and we got it all done. Pretty smoothly, I might add. That was our intention.

We love “smooth everything.” (That’s probably why I’m always looking to smooth out people’s sales funnels, LOL, I just can’t help but see where they’re making shit confusing for the customer.)

Every single “to do” item we laid out in our massive shared document got done…The only thing left now is to get an Arizona driver’s license.

Oh yea… we did all of this while also squeezing in a trip to Nebraska for the 4th of July… and Dan’s trip to Virginia, to pick up his daughter so she could also be there.

Emotions were riding high (for me at least) as I savored the time with family in Colorado and Nebraska.

This weekend, I’m working ahead to write the onslaught of client articles on my plate… and deep-editing chapters for my 2nd book.

The work is never-ending. Gotta love it!

In other news… a subcontracted client of my mine, Logan Lee, just published his debut memoir on Amazon:

Small Town Gay: Growing Up Different in the South

I did a deep content edit of his manuscript, challenged his material, and did my best to make it readable and enjoyable even for an audience that might be “hostile” towards that subject matter. (I aim high.)

In anti-marketing fashion, I brought out his real voice and kept the material true to his story.

It was a fun, challenging project for me personally and a delightful portrait of central Kentucky (a place I’ve never been to, but now I feel like I have).

Newly launched, the book already has several 5-star reviews and is a top seller in its category. Check it out!

Author, The Anti-Marketing Manifesto

About the Author

Michelle Lopez Boggs is a copywriter, copywriting mentor, and author of "The Anti-Marketing Manifesto: How to Sell Without Being a Sellout." She's helped her clients sell millions of dollars' worth of products and services online by using the MEI(S) principle — motivate, educate, and inspire, and sell. Download a FREE chapter of her book here.

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