n “If you must doubt something, doubt your limits.” | The Anti-Marketing Manifesto
“If you must doubt something, doubt your limits.”
– Price Pritchett from the book You Squared

How do humans learn to limit themselves?

Easy…they just pay attention to what their parents, teachers, peers, and society in general tell them.

Society seems to have a hard-on for teaching people how to impose artificial limits on themselves. It’s the American way! Pretty ironic, given that this supposed to be a country based around freedom.

Even typical marketing advice these days is doled out in a way to suggest that business owners should “limit” themselves.

“Don’t be too loud… don’t send too many emails… be careful not to offend certain people.”

Look. Only the mediocre follows these rules.

What’s more important — growing your biz and achieving MAXIMUM prosperity for yourself, your loved ones, and everyone who matters?…or tip toeing on egg shells, so as not to offend another person (who’s most likely being mediocre)?

Limits are learned. And they’re often habitual.

Where are you habitually limiting yourself?

In what ways do you lie to yourself about your so-called “limits”?

Here’s to abandoning mediocrity in favor of limitless excellence,


P.S. The movie “Limitless” starring Bradley Cooper is a great example of how a person can break out of their mediocre ways. As his character shows, you don’t need drugs, you don’t need others’ approval — all you need is to outsmart the mental nonsense that’s been cluttering your brain and holding you back. (It’s one of my favorite movies!) Check it out!

About the Author

Michelle Lopez Boggs is a copywriter, copywriting mentor, and author of "The Anti-Marketing Manifesto: How to Sell Without Being a Sellout." She's helped her clients sell millions of dollars' worth of products and services online by using the MEI(S) principle — motivate, educate, and inspire, and sell. Download a FREE chapter of her book here.

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