n [Copywriters] “Hire for Attitude, Train for Skill” | The Anti-Marketing Manifesto

Most top-performing business owners agree that when hiring a copywriter for their business:

Attitude is ALWAYS more important than skill.

That’s why I love the quote, “Hire for attitude, train for skill” (attributed to attributed to Herb Kelleher, one of the co-founders of Southwest Airlines).

Why? Because if a person has a great attitude, they can easily be trained on any skills they’re interested in. Including copywriting.

But when someone has a negative attitude, poor work ethic, negative self-talk, and low tolerance for personal development, it’s very difficult to train them to learn anything.

They’re like ants, programmed to chase crumbs while annoying everyone around them.

They’ll need to train themselves on how to embody positive characteristics (which is pretty much impossible without a coach, mentor, guide, or role model).

When you’re a business owner and you find that rare copywriter with a great attitude, you should consider them a valuable resource, even if they’re not yet fully skilled on your systems, your voice, your preferences, or your way of doing things.

Give them a chance to learn it, practice it, and they’ll eventually thrive with it!

Talk soon,

Michelle Lopez, Copywriter
Author, The Anti-Marketing Manifesto:
How to Sell Without Being a Sellout

P.S. If you’re a business owner in need of high-performing sales copy and ready to make more sales online, send me an email. Let’s talk.

P.P.S. If you’re an aspiring copywriter who is ready to land clients and get paid to write, join my 90-day coaching program, “Land Your First Dream Copywriting Client.” This program is 90% about developing the right attitude in you, and 10% about learning the actual skill of copywriting. Trust me, the skill part is VERY easy when you have the right mindset. Even a f%ckin’ fourth grader can learn copywriting and make $1000 today if they really want to.

Click here to land your first dream copywriting client.

About the Author

Michelle Lopez Boggs is a copywriter and author of "The Anti-Marketing Manifesto: How to Sell Without Being a Sellout." She's helped her clients sell millions of dollars' worth of products and services online by using the MEI(S) principle — motivate, educate, and inspire, and sell. Download a FREE chapter of her book here or buy it on Amazon.

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