What Does It Take to Become a Well-Paid Copywriter?
Watch the FREE Video to Find Out!
You will discover:

How freelance copywriting gives you flexibility, freedom, and more money

4 things you need to succeed as a copywriter (hint: it’s not what you think)

Why overcoming your “deepest fears” speeds up your success as a copywriter
Watch the video below FREE ↓

In case we haven’t met before… hi! I’m Michelle Lopez Boggs, an experienced copywriter, content writer, editor, and author of The Anti-Marketing Manifesto: How to Sell Without Being a Sellout.
I’m here to guide you on how to land your first dream copywriting client, so you can build a writing business you truly love.
Dream clients are fun and easy work with, they align with your values, and they’ll gladly pay you the high retainer fees you want, month after month. Once you understand how to land your first dream client, you can do it again and again… and build your copywriting biz however big as you want it to be.
I started exactly where you are now…
I had no experience, no portfolio, no writing samples, very little confidence… and quite honestly, some bad habits that distracted me from landing (and keeping) high-paying copywriting clients!
I started as a part-time freelance writer wayyyy back in 2005 (before social media was even a thing). I made a whopping $5K my first YEAR of freelancing… and realized I had to quit my customer service job in order to go all in on my dream.
After quitting my job in 2006, it took me over a year to land a $50K remote technical writing position. I wanted more, but I was distracted had poor work ethic, and very negative self-talk that slowed me down.
Years later, I got into copywriting in 2010 and was immediately hooked, after seeing how much money my yoga client made off the emails I wrote for her newsletter. I was like, “This is SO much fun. I’m going to do more of this.” (I wish I would have started copywriting WAY sooner – because it’s a great way to make money, while loving what you do.)
Over time, I improved my communication skills, landed “Perfect-Fit Clients” whom I loved writing for, and who paid me high retainer fees month after month… increased my self-confidence… and eventually created my own “anti-marketing” writing style that I’m super proud of.
While working at home, I’ve helped my clients:

Sell millions of dollars’ worth of products and services, using an “anti-marketing” style of writing that fits their brand and voice

Generate FREE media coverage and have 6-figure DAYS in their business, thanks to 1 controversial, well-timed, well-written article

Write high-converting landing pages, sales pages, email promos, and blog articles that made people fall in love with their brand and buy over and over again

Write memorable books that made it to the New York Times & Amazon bestseller lists
All of this happened because I had the guts to go after my dream of writing for a living.
I took imperfect action… learned a ton… and never quit.
And I’m here to say: you can do it, too.
If you’re being called to become a copywriter, I encourage you to take action on it today. Don’t put it off.
The journey of a thousand miles begins with
you taking a single step.

This free gift is YOURS if you’re ready to dive right in and start landing paying copywriting clients… even if you have no experience or don’t know what you’re doing.
You’ll learn all the essential stuff you need to start taking action.
In this FREE “Well-Paid Copywriter Starter Kit” you’ll get:

A PDF showing you what copywriting is and different examples of it, so you can feel more confident when talking to potential clients

A quick and easy exercise to discover which type(s) of copywriting you’re best suited for

My video training: “What Needs to Happen for You to Land a Paying Client”

Your first “writing assignment” as a copywriter! (to help you figure out if you’ll enjoy doing copywriting)

BONUS: a free 20-minute coaching call with me personally, to answer any questions you might have
Hear from some of the
copywriters I’ve coached…
Copyright © 2024 Michelle Lopez Boggs.