Crafting Your Best at All Hours!

Up at 5:30 am this morning, I was stoked to begin my day. (People don't realize what a miracle it is just to be alive... I do!) Clocking in six hours of sleep, which is less than my usual, I told myself, "Today I'm going to act as if I got 7 hours of sleep." That's my...

The Inauguration lol ???

Just like Trump was never your biggest problem in the last 4 years (you were)... these new costume characters won't be your solution (you will). They won't magically erase your bad habits in business (like worshipping "vanity metrics," pandering for likes, or ignoring...

An Alternative Marketing Strategy

People ask me all the time for help with marketing and writing strategy. Do you know what the best strategy is for YOU personally? It's being your best self in all areas... You may not realize this, but no marketing strategy or tactic will work if you're continually...

You are Your Greatest Liability

You have debt problems? You have spending problems? You have an income problem? You have anger issues? You eat too much fat? You consume too much fake news? You consume to much angry alternative, truth-based news and it pisses you off? …The problem is YOU. You’re the...

Hypnotizing Yourself to Win or Break Down?

Do you ever notice all the “diagnoses,” labels, definitions, and words people use to describe themselves? This is a topic I’m passionate about. People forget that words have power, either positive or negative. They carelessly throw around definitions that fuck up...

Change YOUR World!

"I want to change the world," says the person who is not satisfied with their world. You can't change the world... that's hubris. (And it's God's job, not yours.) Nor should you want to change the world. (Too stressful.) You can, however, change YOUR world... and...

My Philosophy on Editing

My Philosophy on Editing

There are so many editors in the world... what makes me different? I believe each client is their own unique universe. When I work with you as a client, I go deep into your world, your way of seeing things, your product/service, your business. This is why I have...

“Every Business Owner Should Read This Book!”

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