How Can I Focus When CHEMTRAILS Always Piss Me Off?
This week’s copywriting question #006 comes from Sarah. Question: Where I live, I am constantly witnessing a perfectly blue sky in the morning slowly turn white by the end of the day -- due to of all the chemtrail "spraying" that certain planes are doing. It's not...
How Do You Stay Organized When You’re Writing for Multiple Clients?
This week’s copywriting question #005 comes from Elle. Question: I currently have three clients on retainer who send me multiple writing projects per month, which is amazing! However, I'm getting a little overwhelmed trying to stay on top of everything. They each use...
8 of My Favorite Tools to Use as a Copywriter
This week’s copywriting question #004 comes from Alex. Question: What are some of your favorite tools that you use on a regular basis as a copywriter? Michelle’s Answer: There are some tools that I use daily and others that I use less frequently (such as weekly or...
How Can I Get My Spouse to Support My Copywriting Goals?
This week’s copywriting question #003 comes from Anonymous. Question: My husband often guilt-trips me for not bringing in enough income from my copywriting business to contribute to our household budget. He'll have a passive aggressive or critical tone of voice...
[Anti-Marketing Tip] Don’t Sell Victimhood—Sell Empowerment
If you’ve been paying attention, you’ve probably noticed that modern marketing loves to sell one thing above all else: victimhood. Turn on the TV, and you’re bombarded with ads dripping with it. One minute, there's a Big Pharma ad spouting off a laundry list of side...
What Copywriting Samples Should I Include in My Portfolio?
This week’s copywriting question #002 comes from Jayde. Question: Right now I have a bunch of random samples in my copywriting portfolio such as articles, an email newsletter, and an interview teaser email. When I send my portfolio to potential clients who ask for it,...
These 3 Recurring Problems Won’t Go Away—Help!
This week’s question #001 from my copywriter coaching group comes from Anonymous. Question: I have three recurring problems that won’t go away. I’ve been dealing with them for SO long, and I’m tired of them. These are: 1) money issues with my spouse (we’re constantly...
How to Have a Sales Call with a Potential Copywriting Client
So, you've sent out 100 pitches, emailed dozens of potential clients, sent voices messages through DMs... and you FINALLY got someone to agree to speak with you about your copywriting services. What's the next step? Glad you asked! Your next step is to have a sales...
[Copywriters] “Hire for Attitude, Train for Skill”
Most top-performing business owners agree that when hiring a copywriter for their business: Attitude is ALWAYS more important than skill. That's why I love the quote, "Hire for attitude, train for skill" (attributed to attributed to Herb Kelleher, one of the...
My Process for Writing Sales Funnel Content and Working With New Clients
Curious how I go from "0" to writing high-performing sales funnel content for each of my clients? Here's an overview of my process! How I Work With New Copywriting Clients 1. Intro Call. Your first step is to book an intro call with me. During this...