Mis-Creation is a B*tch

The primary battle in the universe is between creation and mis-creation. – David Neagle When we sit down to create something we want, we’re in “creation” mode. Our level of success in that project depends entirely on our ability to create...

“Energetically Clean”

Certain people have an “energetically clean” style…meaning they don’t care whether or not others like them or agree with them. An energetically clean person can help people see a problem in their life. And they can present a solution. But they...

How to Boost Sales with YouTube Videos: Part 2

The blog I posted yesterday got a high response. (If you missed it, you can check it out here: How to Boost Sales with YouTube Videos) I just want to quickly clarify a few things about YouTube videos…because people often like to over-complicate things, or make...

How to Boost Sales with YouTube Videos

There are two breeds of YouTubers. The first breed consists of people who post YouTube videos about themselves, their business, or some other topic…and it pretty much ends there. I call these “Non-Sales-Oriented YouTubers.” They may build huge...